Scientific Health-span & Ancestral Functionality
We have evolved in this world through struggle and adaptation. The challenges we face today come in the form of stress, disease, lack of time and lack of direction in life.

Soma is the name of the mythical plant mentioned in the Vedas, the juice of which led to self realisation and purification. In its conceptual form, Soma is the cause of all animation, the primary driver of energy.
Rasa in Sanskrit means ‘nectar’ in its literal form and ‘aesthetics’ in its conceptual form.
In the ancient lore, Somarasa was a distillate used ritualistically to enhance life and enrich consciousness
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Whether we face these challenges with intelligent actions or whimsical apathy, is up to the choices we make today - the only timeline we have control over.
The variable nature of the world leaves us with truly just two things under our control: to a limited extent; the body, and to a greater extent; the mind. Everything else is subject to change. This leaves us with the question:
What is to be done to attain a higher degree of control over the body & the mind?
We were faced by the same question & thus began a long & never ending journey towards heightening control of the body & the mind. In the ancient Hindu Mythologies, Somarasa was a mind expanding molecule that opened the gates to universal knowledge. A distilled particle that catalysed a host of unfoldings, leading to true understanding of the world.