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In this page, we will go through the governing principles that are present in all our courses - be it Residential or Online.
The natural state of things in the universe is entropy. A state of continuous decay from complexity to elementary particles. Being a product of the same universe, the human body exhibits the same characteristics. It starts with a loud bang and climbs up for a brief few years, growing in size and complexity. Soon, the growth fades and the decline & decay begins. This process is inevitable (so far) and there's not much we can do to stop it. But there's definitely a lot that we can do to slow the rate of decline. Or even better, postpone the decline so that we start at a higher point. There are far too many agents in this world that accelerate the decline we are talking about here. Many agents we all know about - pollutants, chronic stress, maladjusted body rhythms, etc. While many remain hidden in plain sight.
A strong underlying factor in our training philosophy is to find these Entropy Accelerators in every realm - Physical, Biological, & Mental. To learn & teach how to identify these agents and mitigate their effects.

Given enough time, nature usually wins. And time is something Nature has in abundance. Not just 'has' but also 'has had' in abundance. Compared to all of Humanity's knowledge, modern science, quantum & even AI, Nature has had a massive head-start. According to fossilized remains, life began 3.5 Billion Years ago. And the process of Natural Selection has been constantly at work. With every iteration, only those who adapted to their environment flourished & produced offspring, while the rest were selected out. After 3.5 Billion Years of adaptation, Nature has a prescription that it offers. It says to us Eukaryotes: Breathe Oxygen or be selected out. And we obey, for it is our true nature to breathe oxygen. Likewise, what else might Nature tell us in its prescription?
This exact answer is a fundamental Training Philosophy in all our courses: To go with our nature, the way we evolved, the relics we hold onto from the past that don't change over a few millennia.

Science is probably the best thing that has happened to humanity. While it has definitely been a cause of great misery for some, the cause hasn't been Science itself but its wrongful use by human hands. But for most of it, Science has saved humanity from its biggest enemy - Ignorance. Ever since the Scientific Method of Inquiry came into existence, it has been on a continuous quest to establish truths of all kinds around the world. The process of Scientific Method of Inquiry is interesting & unique - It is a restless system, always casting doubts over a new theory or method while constantly trying to disprove what was once common knowledge. While this may be unsettling for some, it is in fact great news. Science is similar to Natural Selection in its ability to weed out the bad theories & systems. Only those which stand strong through the grueling questioning, testing, trials, statistical analyses, and stringent peer review are the ones that are deemed worthy of attention. Evidence based Science is a continuously evolving web of Laws & Understanding of deeper nature. There are many things Science doesn't understand yet. Over time, what was once magical will become common knowledge, as it so far has.
It is of paramount importance for us that we use evidence behind each system that we follow. There can be madness, but it still needs a method. In each of our courses, in every single process that we follow, there is a rationale behind it. This is a foundational pillar of our Training Philosophy.

A human isn't a one dimensional being. We lead multiple lives - some of it at work, some of it on the couch, some of it eating well, and some of it not so good; we get sick in different places at different time periods, and we get better under certain circumstances and at certain time periods; sometimes we lose our way and make it to a dark side of life - some manage to come out but still hold on to the scars left behind, while others spend too long in the dark that the light becomes the enemy. With such variety in life, a one dimensional tool cannot possibly fix even some of our problems, let alone all of them. Some tools work well for a while and then stop working. Sometimes the tools work just fine, but we stop responding. In the face of all this, we firmly believe that the more tools a practitioner has in their tool belt, the easier problem solving becomes. If the only tool you have is a hammer, everything starts to look like a nail.
Hence, the Multi-Disciplinary approach - where we bring in the structural integrity of the Physical realm, the robustly tuned habituation of the Biological realm, and finally the crystal clear governance coming from the Mental realm. All these categories with their own multi-faceted approaches make it an important and impressive ensemble of tools. This is again a large part of our Training Philosophy.
Apart from the multi-disciplinary physical fitness & the carefully planned diet systems, the Somarasa curriculum strictly follows the Pareto Principle. The life of a person today is much more complex than that of a person from even just a few hundred years back (as most of you might have observed, life was much simpler even just a couple of decades ago). Time is short, the things to do are many. There are ample distractions & equally interesting attractions. Amidst all these, the task of doing every small thing to maintain a semblance of health can be an overwhelming task.
Hence the Pareto principle. The Pareto Principle (Named after the Italian Economist Vilfredo Pareto) states that 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes. This verifiable ratio has been applied to everything from Economics & Software, to Medicine & Sports. Thankfully for us, this principle also applies to improving health. At Somarasa, we strongly focus on the foundational 20% of the causes that lead to 80% of the results. This has led to a brutally effective program that takes the least time possible while delivering most impact - something very relevant to the kind of world we live in today.

The Soma System encapsulates the entirety of the above training philosophies into each of its programs. The programs themselves are layered & categorised according to age groups and build upon the lower levels to reach the pinnacle of the human potential.
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